今回は、なんとPower English・ShootersのオーナーChrisが、ブログに登場です!20年以上にわたる、Power Englishの歴史を知る人物ですよ。もちろん、今回もChrisがPower Englishのブログ用に特別に書き下ろしてくれた文章です。教科書英語ではない、ナチュラルな英文をお楽しみください♪
Hi to everyone studying in Power English. I hope you are enjoying the services of our excellent teachers and you're all improving your English skills every day!
Did you know that Power English was previously called T.T.M. Communications? That's right. I started Power English in the living room of my apartment more than 25 years ago before moving it into Shooters Sports Café (the first Shooters in Takaoka...the location is now home to Casa Blanca). Then, on to its current home at Shooters Sports Bar & Grill in Fushimi.
The truth of the matter is, I was the first teacher at Power English. I actually taught English at Power English and also at the Mainichi Bunka Center when I first arrived in Nagoya. I really enjoyed my time as a teacher as I was able to make many friends whom I still keep in touch with today.
I want you all to know that Power English is a place not only to learn English but to build relationships, make friends and have some fun in an
international environment. I'm looking forward to meeting each and everyone of you
at some point soon.
living room of my apartment アパートのリビングで
current home 現在の家(文章内では、家の様に思っているShootersという意味になります。)
the truth of the matter 事の真実は・実をいうと
keep in touch with 連絡を取り合う
build relationships 関係を築く・友情を築く
international environment 国際的な環境
at some point soon 近々どこかで
質問1.T.T.M. Communications
質問2.more than 25 years ago
質問3.in Takaoka
質問4. I was the first teacher at Power English→Chris
質問5.build relationships, make friends and have some fun in an international environment.
オーナーChrisが言う様に、Power Englishは、英語を学ぶだけではなく、海外の文化を知り、たくさんの友達ができる場所です。名古屋、栄エリアで英会話を探している方は、是非一度、無料体験レッスンにお越しください。初級からの生徒様も、楽しく安心して通って頂けるスクールです!お待ちしております♪
月~金 | 18:30 ~ 21:55 |
土曜日 | 13:00 ~ 19:00 |
日曜日 | 12:10 ~ 15:30 |
愛知県名古屋市中区栄 2-9-26
(Shooters Sports Bar & Grill内)
パワーイングリッシュ (Power English)
パワーイングリッシュ | All Rights Reserved