皆さんこんにちは! ついに真冬の季節となり、寒い日が続きますね。しっかり温かくしてお過ごしですか? クリスマスと年末年始休暇はいよいよ。皆様の素敵な年の瀬をお祈りしています。
If you're my student or know me at all, you probably know that I'm a huge fan of American Football. Or as we call it in America, football. Especially the team: Kansas City Chiefs. People often find it funny when I say, "My Team". But it is my team. I love the Chiefs and have for a long time.
Football is the most popular sport in America. But why? I'm not really sure to be honest. It's a physical, brutal and hard-hitting game. It's engrained in the American culture and has been a part of our tradition for 101 years now. I played it growing up in Jr. High and High School. I played Linebacker on defense and Fullback on offense. Two of the most hard-hitting positions on the field. I loved it. I dreamed about it. Friday nights under the lights on our High School football field. We had a great team and went 9-1 my senior year. I lead the team in tackles and we had a lot of amazing players on our team. Especially for being from such a small Kansas town.
I think sports are a lot like music. We listen to music, and it helps us escape from our day to day lives. We can forget about everything and live in a moment that only our favorite songs can bring us to. Sports are the same. When we watch sports, we don't have to think about our daily routines. Our bills. Our jobs. Our relationships. We don't need to think about anything. We just enjoy these athletes, who are the best in the world at what they do and play week to week for our entertainment. And entertaining it is! For as much as those guys get paid, it better be entertaining!
I don't understand rugby, but I like watching it. Football is the same way I guess. You don't need to understand it 100% to enjoy it. And there is absolutely nothing like going to an NFL game in America. If you ever get the chance, please go to a game. I promise you, you will not regret it!
The Super Bowl will be here in a couple months. I'll write about what the Super Bowl means to us in America and what we do on this magical Sunday night. (Monday morning in Japan.) And hopefully my beloved Kansas City Chiefs will be there again this year. (0:
huge fan 熱狂的なファン
engrained 根付いた
hard-hitting 激しい、体当たりの
day to day lives 日常生活
daily routine 繰り返される日々
beloved 最愛の
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