A few months ago, I ruptured my Achilles tendon. It has been a humbling experience. I'll start my story the day after the surgery when I was told to wear a cast and walk with crutches.
A few months ago, I ruptured my Achilles tendon. It has been a humbling experience. I'll start my story the day after the surgery when I was told to wear a cast and walk with crutches.
At first, I didn't mind. It happened to be my day off, and I didn't have to use my crutches while in my house. I could crawl or scamper around the house on one foot.
Things became complicated, however, when I had to go back to work. My workplace doesn't have an elevator, and my office is located on the third floor. I had to get creative on how to get around the school without standing out - too much.
To the dismay of my unlucky friends, I would fool around with their crutches whenever I had the chance. I imagined that this time crutches would be just as fun as before. I was wrong. Reality hit when I had to go to work. Crutches hinder your ability to do so many things. A task as simple as taking out your wallet and scanning your Manaca card as you go through the subway is a real hassle. Not only do your crutches barely fit through the gate, but you have to worry about the bottleneck of people funnelling behind you that you have slowed down or inconvenienced. Experiences such as these make you feel remarkably self-conscious.
I needed to be mobile, and work was becoming a pain-in-the-ass, so something had to change. I watched some YouTube videos about people in or who had been in the same boat as me. I learned many things from their videos, such as how to use crutches when ascending stairs. (Thank you, physiotherapists, who taught me nothing. (That was sarcasm, by the way.)
-②- へ続く。。
ruptured:破裂した 破裂性の
Achilles tendon:アキレス腱
hinder:邪魔する 阻む
self-conscious:自意識過剰 気にし過ぎる
in the same boat:同じ問題をかかえている
ascending:昇る 上昇する
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