皆さんこんにちは!Power Englishです☺
皆さんご存知かと思いますが、トニー先生は大学で音楽・映像を専攻し、現在ではバンド活動もされたり、自分で曲を作られたりとっても才能に溢れた先生です。The Jerksという名のバンドで活躍されており、Shooters Sports Bar & Grillでもたまにライブされています。
When the state of emergency was lifted this past October, my daughter started attending school weekday mornings. That change in her schedule yielded a change in my own: with no child to watch, I finally had some free time to myself - for the first time in almost a half-year.
I'd been waiting for that time. For months, I'd been writing myself music notes. I finally had a chance to record and bring those notes to sonic life.
I graduated undergrad with a degree in music and film. Specifically, I studied how to write in both arts: composition. I enjoy the concept of "composition"; etymology shows us that the roots of the word, "co-/com-" meaning "together" and "pos-/posit" meaning "place/put". When you compose, you're simply "putting together".
In music, you might imagine putting together different parts, motifs, rhythms and lyrics. What a fun activity, to design a listening experience!
Believe it or not, you do this every time you form a sentence, every time you communicate using sound. With a string of words and sounds, you convey a message, an expression, for the listener, your conversation partner.
Do your words tend to be quick, monotone, and to the point? Do you "dance" around topics with dynamic pitches, adding aural color to your message just like emoji or font? Or perhaps it's relative silence that people feel from you, a non-invasive and inviting atmosphere that allows for your partner to express themselves?
If you had someone's attention, what would you use it for? What idea or message would you bring to them? What idea or message do you want the world to hear?
These are the questions I ask myself when I approach music.
What am I hearing and feeling?
Is that worth sharing?
... Oh yes.
yielded もたらす、生じる
composition 構成、構造
concept 概念
etymology 語源、語源学
convey a message チクチクする
monotone 単調
non-invasive and inviting atmosphere 非侵襲的で居心地の良い雰囲気
伏見の英会話教室Power Englishは、実践的な英会話を楽しく身につけ、海外の文化も学べる素敵なコミュニティです!海外へ自由に行くことができない今だからこそ、再び海外旅行へ行ける日のために海外の雰囲気を味わいつつ、楽しく英語を学びませんか?
月~金 | 18:30 ~ 21:55 |
土曜日 | 13:00 ~ 19:00 |
日曜日 | 12:10 ~ 15:30 |
愛知県名古屋市中区栄 2-9-26
(Shooters Sports Bar & Grill内)
パワーイングリッシュ (Power English)
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