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Ron先生のひとり言: Breathing for Health

Ron Schröter • 2021年10月25日


Breathing is a huge part of living. In fact, it's vital. We must breath to stay alive. It's something we've been doing every second of the day since we were born and we hardly even think about it. Think about it now.

For the last 2 years or so I've been doing breathing exercises. More specifically, the Wim Hof method. Wim Hof is a man from the Netherlands and his nickname is "The Iceman". He's for many accomplishments. You can google his name and read more about him. I highly suggest you do. He's a very interesting and motivational human being.

He talks a lot about breathing and different breathing exercises. Breathing deeply helps to put more oxygen into your body and is said to help boost the immune system. It's something I try to do at least once a day. Here's the method. 

You can be sitting down or lying down. I usually do it before I go to be so I'm lying down. Simply take 30 deep breaths in and out. You can breathe fast or slow. Just make sure to take a really deep breath every time then let it all the way out. On the 30th breath, breathe in and hold it for as long as you can. I always use the timer on my phone to time it. 

You might start to feel light headed, or your fingers and toes may start to tingle a little bit. That's ok! Just hold your breath for as long as you can. When you can't hold it anymore, stop your timer then let your breath out. Return breathing as normal. I typically hold my breath for about 3-3.5 minutes. The longest I've held it for is just a little over 4 minutes. But it really doesn't matter how long you hold it for, just as long as you try. You will slowly improve. And I sometimes do this same breathing exercise 3 or 4 times in a row!

Why do this? Like I said before, it's a great way to get more oxygen in your body. It helps boost your immune system and also helps to relieve stress. It's kind of a meditation form. And meditation is really good for stress and relaxation. And that's always a good thing.

Please give it a try and let us know how long you could hold your breath for!



vital  重要な 命にかかわる

breathing exercises  呼吸法エクササイズ

accomplishment  完成 達成 偉業

immune system  免疫システム

tingle  チクチクする

relieve stress  ストレス解消

in a row  順番に 連続で


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