ここでしか読めない、先生達のブログ!ネイティブの先生が、とても自然な英語で書いてくれます。教科書からは学ぶことができない「リアルな英語」を学べるのがPower Englishの魅力です。文章の下に、単語訳を載せていますので、是非参考に読んでみて下さいね♪感想をPaul先生に英語で伝えてみて下さい。きっと喜んでくれると思いますよ!
I would like to share with you a short story of how I started on my path to becoming a chocolatier!
While working in a small bakery and experimenting with chocolate, I realized very quickly that I had a real passion for the craft. After having some mild success and teaching myself, my employer at the time suggested that I should take it on seriously and grow. He was very supportive and believed in my skill so I set out to find a way to learn. I tried to contact many chocolatiers in Perth, Western Australia and only one answered, Yuki Nakamura of Nakamura chocolates Perth, Western Australia. Yuki is a multi grand prize award winning chocolatier and even has a chocolate shop in Kobe which open in 2018! She was so kind and gracious, with just a simple email she told me the name of the school she learned and said, "If you are serious about learning, go here!" and with that I was set on my path.
Sometimes it just takes the smallest act of kindness to change someone's life, while many didn't bother she took the time to reply and help point me in the right direction.
Thank you for taking the time to here the first part of my story.
on my path: Pathは、小道という意味ですがこの場合は、ショコラティエとしてのキャリアの道を意味します。
experimenting: 実験
supportive: 協力的
gracious 優雅な・優しい
right direction: 正しい方向
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