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Ouch! My Experience with a Ruptured Tendon (3)

Brandon Hune • 2021年6月24日

日曜日担当のBrandon先生のブログ、Part.3 最終話です。

Now, ten weeks after my surgery, I’m out of the boot and walking around normally. I attend physiotherapy sessions once or twice a week. (Unfortunately, my physiotherapist does not look like Lola.) I still walk with a slight limp, my ankle feels stiff in the morning, and descending stairs is a little sketchy, but my condition improves each day.

Torn ligament

I have developed an appreciation for being healthy that I had never felt before. When I see a stranger in a wheelchair or who has some other kind of debilitating ailment, I have a lot of respect for them. If they look like they are struggling, I try to be helpful, but not too helpful as to make them feel like they are a burden. I do not stare, and I do not ask them questions about their condition unless the conversation naturally leads in that direction. These considerations are common knowledge, but I value them more now that I have some perspective. Thankfully, all the students at Power English were very supportive. (Except for Ron, however, who purposely stepped on my foot… Oh, and Marika and Chie, who laughed at me. How rude!)

Compared to people with disabilities or severe injuries, my Achilles' incident seems insignificant. I have so many things to be thankful for, as things could have been worse. I'm grateful that my job doesn't require me to be in pristine physical condition and that I can continue working. I'm thankful that my wife and family could cope with the situation and take care of me when I needed help. I'm grateful that I live in a country with health insurance, and I don't have to worry about medical bills (My home country is the same, but I still feel very fortunate.) I'm lucky that my left foot had the rupture and that I could still drive to work safely using my right foot. (Good thing I didn't buy that standard MR2.) I'm also lucky that my surgery went well, there was minimal pain, and I’m healing quickly.

This experience has not been pleasant, but it hasn’t been terrible either. It has opened my eyes to many things, given me an appreciation for having a healthy body. Although my injury pales in comparison to some others, it has given me a glimpse into what life is like for people with physical disabilities. I am thankful for this life experience. Some people suffer through far worse situations each and every day, and they manage to continue living. I have the utmost respect for them.

Bran Don

physiotherapy 理学療法

slight limp  少し足をひきずる

debilitating ailment  全身を消耗させる、衰弱させる疾患

insignificant  取るに足らない

pleasant  楽しい 快適な

Power Englishは、名古屋伏見の実践英会話教室です。伏見駅から近くアクセス抜群!海外のスタッフが沢山働く、Shooters Sports Bar &Grillの中にある英会話教室です。一歩足を踏み入れると。。まるで、海外のバーに来た様な雰囲気の中で、英会話レッスンが受けられます!海外旅行に行けない今、是非、この雰囲気を味わって下さいね。英会話カフェとして、英会話サークルとして、国際交流として。。色々な使い方ができる教室です!


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