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No chocolate, no life! (Part 2)

Paul Bacci • 2022年10月11日




さて、今回は彼がどのような経緯で「Coco cookies」という会社を設立したのかをお話してくれました!

Paul先生の常に前向きな挑戦と色々な偶然が重なり合って人々を魅了するお店にまで発展した「Coco cookies」。


From chocolate to cookies...

After enjoying working and teaching chocolate classes here in Nagoya, I wanted to challenge myself with something new. I had tried many different things but found luck when I started baking cookies. Everything happened by chance but also being in the right place at the right time! So, here is a brief history of how I founded Coco Cookies "The best cookies in Nagoya"...ha-ha!

While searching for a new place, I found a studio in Kakuozan, nice place in a good location and by chance with an amazing gas oven. I immediately got to thinking of what tasty treats I could make! I was a professional chocolatier but also had some experience in baking desserts and breads. My wonderful friends and ex-colleagues back in Perth had made an amazing gourmet cookie business and they inspired me to try making those style of cookies. For myself, at the time, it was just for fun without thinking anything more, but that changed very quickly.

I took out old some old recipe books wiping the dust away as I opened the cover and started studying, asking myself many questions as to what recipe I could create to get delicious results. With some trial and error, I had made a base recipe, test baking times and tasted the results. It was good but I felt it still needed more and over the next few months adjusted parts of the recipe playing with quantities and ingredients until I found my desired taste! They were slightly firm on the outside with a light crunch but soft and melting in the centre, a very pleasing texture.


The first SNS post...

Being very happy with the results I did a post on a popular social media platform and to my surprise was contacted by many followers asking about the cookies, some wanting to buy them and some even wanting to sell them in there stores! I was completely surprised by the reactions and it gave me inspiration to move forward at try to create a brand.

Baking these cookies for me is all about creating an experience, making people happy and bring together a community of cookie lovers from all over Japan! I’ve been blessed with wonderful customers and support! Thank you to everyone, I’m so excited to see it grow!

Thank you for reading at stay tuned for more blogs coming soon.



by chance: 偶然

being in the right place at the right time: 適切な場所と適切な時間にいる。丁度良い時に丁度良い場所に居合わせる。

founded: (会社などを)設立する。

professional chocolatier : プロのショコラティエ

ex-colleagues: 元同僚

trial and error: 試行錯誤

surprised by the reactions: 反応に驚かされた。

move forward: 前進する


Power Englishは、楽しく実践英会話を身に着けるユニークな英会話教室。


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